How to survive 2020
In no particular order but one thing does lead to another…
Have a Story
Be Mindful
Be Present
Be Ready for Anything
Have a story. You happen to the world, not the other way round. Claim sovereignty. Control your narrative. Choose your perspective. What do you see around you and how do you relate to it? Reality is an opinion. What’s yours? Outcome: Authenticity
Be mindful. Everything that happens around you begins within. Clean up your self-talk and tell yourself only things that support your narrative. How much of what you tell yourself is your truth and how much of it is not? Outcome: Clarity
Be present. Don’t look forward, backwards or sideways. Everything is always as it should be in the present moment. It’s when we start going over the past, speculating about the future, or basing our hopes and fears on the experiences of others that fear-based emotions hijack and derail us. Outcome: Gratitude
Be ready for anything. Expect the unexpected. Be in a constant state of receiving. Lighten up on every level. Simplify your inner and outer space. Plan to be well and do things that support your plan. Make choices that support and nourish your mind, body and spirit. Outcome: Abundance
Vivienne Ladommatou
Co-founder of Hall & Grace